Shortly after South Africa went into lockdown, a flag-bearing initiative showing patriotism and support for the announcement had its origins in the Polokwane suburb of Nirvana. Ever since, the project promoting the display of flags at every home in the country has expanded across borders and taken on global appeal in a colourful show-off of emblems in a host of countries.
It was learnt that the drive in Polokwane had first taken off following an exchange of ideas during interaction between Dr Kabeer Ismail and local businessman Shabier Valjie. In addition - and as part of an interlinking project steered by Dr Ismail’s 11-year-old daughter, Ayesha - youngsters have been encouraged to reproduce versions of the flags of their countries available recycled material, in an effort to keep them occupied while being taught the values of an all-important national symbol.
Through the power of technology the word has spread and by now children (and their parents) have apparently created and put up flags from South Africa to the Sudan, Malawi to Morocco, several countries in between and the Middle East to Europe.
As opposed to the initial idea of displaying the South African flag at the entrances to homes and at key points in Nirvana and the rest of the city, the project surpassed all expectations. By now the campaign had been given a global focus by reaching the United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates as well as Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique and Swaziland, according to Shaazia Bava who is the national project coordinator.
Part of the undertaking requires posting visuals of the artwork on the dedicated Instagram page for which imagery of flags from across the globe have been captured in photos and video clips. Shaazia referred to the official page having been hacked and discarded and a new page created. The links in place are @kids_adding_colour_worldwide on Instagram and Facebook and #Flagateveryhomesouthafrica on Twitter.
Those wanting to join the campaign can contact Shaazia on +27 72 227 8607 or project lead Suraiya Essa on +27 82 786 2452.
*Accompanying video footage: Supplied.